Saturday, 1 March 2014

Culture Shock in the workplace...

Okay, so the last blog gave information regarding the big picture of my job and I asked you to imagine coming into a role where you knew there were new systems to learn, no one to teach you your role – no breadcrumb trail to follow, and few people to ask for guidance. That's basically the jist of it.

Putting drama aside…on the micro end of things I have a rather large (cubicle?) area with two windows – lots of counter / desk space right outside the Director’s and Manager of Fuel Operation’s offices. So even though there is nothing too outrageous about that setting, it is still very different from the Employment Specialist & Career Counsellor roles I’ve held for the past 15 years. What IS different and quite amusing (to me) about these topsy turvy changes include the following:

Constant interruptions to no interruptions: this took a little while to get used to and at first I couldn’t even figure out what was missing, or what felt absent in my day to day routine. Employment Services environments – particularly the Resource and Information area – is designed to assist job seekers in whatever fashion they require, on an ‘as and when’ needed basis, thus setting the stage for potential interruptions. So while you weren’t always stopping and restarting whatever task you were involved in, there was always the potential for an interruption to occur at any time, to the extent you knew it best to not get involved in anything that required a significant degree of concentration. At the opposite end of the spectrum you will now find me immersed in a task for minutes or hours without any interruption; in fact a phone rang yesterday which I tuned out as belonging to the Director until my ears finally discerned that the ringing was actually close by….and, as you are probably now able to guess, it was my phone that was ringing…..whew, that’s the 2nd time in 3 months…. have or not to have...
Noise to almost complete silence: at first I thought I was going to go mildly crazy due to an abnormal amount of silence in the workplace, which no one has probably ever said before. But really, this was one of the hardest adjustments for me to make, or rather not make, as I e­­nded up bringing a radio to work: I play it very low as I’m still not certain if the absolute quiet is a preference, or a reality no one thought to challenge or change. And, it might only be my area on the 2nd floor that is experiencing this omnipresent silence, but as said, this is how I felt the first few weeks. Now, I am picking up some sounds that have probably been there all along and are quite funny, but also a little on the noisy side. The Director, bless his heart, likes to bang things, and I want to confirm that there is no disrespect intended in telling this of him, however, by the way he bangs at his keyboard you would think he is constantly angry, which he is not! And when using the land line office phone, he does not use the release, or end call button, or use a finger to press down on the disconnect upon which rests the handset, but instead bangs the handset into the cradle area (numerous times) until the dial tone reappears.....

100% accessible to 0% accessible: until mid-November I was directly situated in the midst of an Employment Resource Centre that allowed access to me from start to finish of my day; currently I’m behind 5 foot high baffle boards that create a cubicle style work area. What I’m not used to is that I’m not visible to anyone but the Director and Manager which can make it feel closed off – almost excluded – from the rest of the world. And, sometimes I get caught in that dilemma of ‘do I or don’t I’ that occurs when someone walks into the area, peeks into the Director and Managers office, sees they’re not there (but doesn’t see me), then tries to start up conversations with people way down the hall about where they are, or make other comments not realizing someone is within earshot of them. I still haven’t decided what my action should be….to date, I’ve not made any effort to make myself visible…..probably it will depend on whether I want the interruption, or not!!

100% customer service to 0% involvement with anyone:  on the heels of the previous point the last 15 years revolved around direct, and numerous contact with clients, and, because of government funding it was necessary to continuously provide extensive client service feedback. My current position, however, does not involve customers or clients, or consumers, or candidates etc., and therefore does not require any form of customer feedback. So while I certainly understand the concept of petitioning information regarding the service you provide, I am so glad this no longer applies to me as I found the process extremely annoying…there, I said it!!

Team vs The Collective: these concepts are certainly valid to my perception only and a little trickier to report on. However, I’m not sure if ‘Team’ is a word or concept I’ve heard used with the Government of the Northwest Territories, yet, perhaps there is an implicit understanding this exists. Regardless, I want to lean towards the position that due to its absence from any type of reference, the term does not quite belong here. When ‘Team’ made its entry into the workplace in the 90’s (?) (and apparently is a Baby Boomer characteristic and attitude) assorted adjuncts entered with it such as Team events, Team building exercises, Team meetings, Team objectives and the like. Certainly, if you worked in a Team environment, you, without question, knew it. So, what ‘environment’ do I now find myself in? Well, we certainly don’t have any Team building events and the like so there’s that to reference. And why am I pondering this when I’d safely guess there’s absolutely no one else even thinking about this? Well, you know, I noticed the difference and just had to remark on it. So, I’m going with Collective environment which denotes ‘a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective’ – Wikipedia; And since this has turned into a revelation of sorts, I will announce I’m quite happy about leaving the team building events, exercises and mindset behind and leave it at that…

Coverage: In a customer service environment you can’t close the doors and have everyone take their lunch at the same time – you are open for all of the hours you've designated you'll be available. As such, your team becomes very aware of each others' schedules and absences and works to ensure coverage is met at all times during the business day. This can be somewhat restrictive and certainly problematic if you’re short staffed. Currently, we can all take our lunches at the same time and all leave the building at the same time, or have a shorter lunch and leave earlier, which prompts me to say how much I love this job!!

Meetings: okay, here I’m referring to Health and Safety specific and I find this quite funny; typical to H&S content in the south (ie. Ontario) content would revolve around fire drills, exercise, stress, physical – heart health etc; whereas at our last H&S meeting the content revolved around bear attacks / safety; one vs two engine planes, wild dogs in remote locations, taking sleeping bags when travelling to remote locations due to ‘bed-varmints’ and replacing the tracker devices staff have when they are on travel duty (remote locations) – sometimes I feel a million miles away from Barrie, Ontario.

Gender: coming from a female dominated workplace at Northern Lights Canada – Barrie, to a 60-40 male to female ratio – is this what the quiet is based on?? jk…jk…jk.

Kitchen:  while some similarities exist the main difference is that in my current workplace, for whatever reason, no one brings in treats; this is so great particularly when I’m constantly striving towards healthful eating only to have the frequent temptation of Timbits and Chocolate Zucchini loaf from previous workplaces – please do not misread this statement – I love treats – yummy as they all are – I just know that temptations and I are constantly battling it out….and it is so much easier when they’re not available….PS, haven’t even been to the one and only Tim Horton’s, and it’s close by too!!