On the heels of what Yellowknife is like for us up here comes the question about the actual position I hold, and how it relates to previous work?
When I applied to this job –
Information Coordinator, I can assure you that what I read in the job
description and what it actually is, reveals some distinct differences. Though I’m
inclined to believe my perception at the time of applying was filled with hope
and inspiration and the huge desire to make a change in my life and, therefore prompted me to
see the role a certain way, I also believe that job ads, as thorough as they
sometimes are, tend to be a muddle of words verging on gobbilty gook. Therefore, it’s difficult to imagine that I would have been able to see the ‘real’
job between the lines of the crafted description. With no intent to convey any dissatisfaction
with the reality of the job – plain and simple it is different from what I expected
and time will inevitably reveal the entire magnitude of relevant tasks and
Specifically, my role lies within the Petroleum Products
Division (PPD)
of the Department of Public Works and Services, Government of the Northwest
Territories. PPD sells select petroleum products to businesses, residents, and
government departments in 16 NWT communities where there is no private sector
supplier. We are also responsible for purchasing these petroleum products and
arranging for transportation of the products to those communities, as well as
for sales, inventory management, and other related functions.
Transportation to communities is provided on a contract basis and consists of barge,
and truck transportation: the two most common products sold by the division are
home heating fuel and gasoline. The
primary feature that makes PPD’s environment different from many other petroleum
product distribution companies is the location; PPD operates in geographically
dispersed, environmentally hostile, sparsely populated locations that may not
be year round accessible.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words…..here is the actual
building that houses the Public Works and Services department - my division
is on the 2nd floor.
Back to point – what do I do? Well, as we have been living
in an information age for some time now, my role is to manage some (or most) of
that information as it pertains to the Petroleum Products Division. When I came
into the position in November, the government had converted their electronic
records management to a new system. While it would be safe to assume they had
been using a standardized system previously, it doesn’t appear it was as
efficient and procedural as it should have been given many comparables across
Canada that have been doing so for quite some time. Needless to say it was
recognized that in effort to account for record management integrity, it was time
to move towards complete immersion in that task – no matter how painful that
might be.
Basically, the role currently involves managing paper
files and electronic files and making sure they have been classified according
to the Administrative and Operational Filing Structure and that they are filed
correctly within the electronic filing system (which is huge). Working with
active and non-active records and transferring to a Records Centre takes up most of my
time. Additionally, I support the division with meetings and correspondence and
contract editing etc. In the near future we will endeavour a website overhaul
which will be a project I will manage. Though it is 100% different and
requires major adaptation from the recent past, I do enjoy the variations –
some subtle, others not so much and have determined that next weeks’ blog will
be a more suitable place to explore those variations further. Until then, enjoy your work week -
however that looks.